CAMeC La Spezia unveils its new Accessibility Room

OnTuesday, 3 December, on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, the CAMeC – Modern and Contemporary Art Centre of La Spezia, reopened on 5 October 2024 with a renewed look, adheres to the initiative and to the theme of 2024: Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future.

This is an opportunity to visit the new Accessibility Room, the result of a major independent project, which aims to broaden communication of its heritage, offering everyone the chance to encounter and understand it independently. The intervention, in general, saw the creation of a new layout and the provision of additional tools dedicated to the complete accessibility and enjoyment of the museum’s contents: a web portal (which can also be accessed from the new Museum website and a new functional APP specifically usable by people with different abilities, an introductory multimedia station located at the entrance, tactile plantar signs near the stairs and services, and the creation of the new Accessibility Room, with the project “Vedere ad occhi chiusi: percorso tattile per tutti” (Seeing with closed eyes: a tactile path for all), conceived by Cristiana Maucci with the scientific direction of Eleonora Acerbi.

This permanently dedicated space offers, with particular regard to visitors who are visually impaired, blind, deaf and with motor difficulties, the possibility of encountering and getting to know a florilegium from the CAMeC heritage, thanks to diversified and expanded didactic apparatus, which breaks down perceptive and sensorial barriers. On the wall, there is a bilingual (Italian and English) historical-critical caption and a multimedia station, easily accessible also by wheelchair, which includes a tactile aid that reproduces the formal content of the work, if two-dimensional, or the replica, if sculpture, Braille and relief captions, audio support in headphones, digital support with video in LIS (Italian Sign Language).

The eight works on display are particularly suitable for inclusive use: they lend themselves particularly well to tactile, easy and pleasant reading for blind or visually impaired visitors. At the same time, the 5 paintings and 3 sculptures well document the relevance of the CAMeC collections, also in an international context. The oldest work dates back to 1949 and is by Renato Guttuso, winner of the first ‘Golfo della Spezia’ National Painting Prize; it is the incipit of the oldest nucleus of the museum’s collections, which this important exhibition has handed over to the city. The works by Baj, Berrocal, Capogrossi, Dubuffet, Kosuth and Mirko belong to the Cozzani collection, an encyclopaedic sylloge composed with refined and far-sighted taste by the La Spezia collector. Luca Matti ‘s canvas, on the other hand, is a more recent acquisition and meets the objectives of constantly updating the permanent collection.

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