Maggio 11, 2024

Installation view of “Ibrahim Mahama: Purple Hibiscus” at Barbican Lakeside until August 18, 2024. Photo: © Dion Barrett, courtesy of Barbican Centre.

I tessuti di Ibrahim Mahama portano frammenti di Ghana a Londra

Il Barbican, edificio emblema del brutalismo londinese degli anni ’50,  è stato recentemente oggetto di una trasformazione audace, grazie all’intervento visionario dell’artista ghanese Ibrahim Mahama. L’aspra facciata in cemento, un tempo evocativa di un’imponente fortezza, ora si presenta avvolta da un tessuto vivace dai toni rosa e viola, tessuto a mano dagli abili artigiani della città di Tamale, in Ghana.

Julia Nesis: the breath of antiquity in the contemporary world

Artist, graphic designer, and sculptor, Julia Nesis was born in Novorossiysk (Russia) in 1984, but today lives and works in the United Kingdom. She has studied in Moscow at the State University of Arts and Industry “SG Stroganov” (2004), then at the “Detali” School of Design (2010). Since 2016 she has been a member of the Moscow Union of Artists (MUA). She has participated in numerous group exhibitions and held meaningful solo exhibitions, including the one at the “Promgrafika” Gallery in Moscow (2015) and “Etika Pomyati” (The Ethics of Memory, 2018) at the theater of the Moscow School of Dramatic Art.